
Physics Lab

Physics laboratory is a place where experiments of Physics are carried out. As we know physics is that branch of science where experimentation is an integral part of the core subject.

Chemistry Lab

The Chemistry Laboratory conducts fundamental studies of highway materials to understand both failure mechanisms and superior performance. New standard test methods are developed to improve and facilitate the chemical analysis of highway materials and to characterize and quantify new or alternative sustainable materials.

Computer Lab

Students, faculty and staff have access to the computer labs, which provide the tools and technologies to produce websites, edit papers, complete class assignments, communicate via email, conduct data analyses and access library resources. Microsoft Windows software is available for word processing, statistics, spreadsheets and database management. A variety of graphics and website-creation software programs are also available.

Electronics Lab

The Electronics Lab (eLab) is a modern electronics laboratory, which is used for teaching and research purposes in all engineering degree programms. In the nearby electronic workshop, long-term projects can be planned and electronic prototypes manufactured in an assembly line. The laboratory specializes in projects in the areas of electrical engineering, measurement engineering, signal processing, control engineering and power electronics.

Mechanical Lab

Mechanical Engineering laboratory aims to prepare students with the knowledge and ability to improve, evaluate, design and control safe, sustainable, and cost-effective technologies in order to make innovative and useful contributions to humanity. With this in mind, we seek to enhance both research and education and inspire new generations to create breakthrough solutions to serve all people.

Electrical Lab

The basic Electrical and Electronics laboratory is utilized for performing experiments related to fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Engineering subject common to all first year undergraduate students of the college. We are all surrounded by electrical and electronic devices. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, a core discipline, is devoted to study of the principles of electricity to develop machines, devices and systems. The study of electrical and electronic is pivotal to both, electrical and electronics engineering students. This Lab covers all the basic devices that serve as the most basic building block of almost all electronic and electrical devices. This Lab lays a firm foundation of what is to be learned throughout the engineering curriculum.

Civil Lab

The laboratory is designed to give exposure in practical works carried out in five different areas of civil engineering viz. Surveying and Leveling, Building Materials and Construction, Building Planning & Design, Transportation Engineering and Water Resources Engineering. Students are given a field practice to execute various survey work for primary residential buildings etc. The laboratory is equipped with following major equipments.